Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 1 in Gold Coast

As I scroll through my folder of pictures taken in Sydney, the next "non-loitering-around-sydney" trip is my surprise trip to Gold Coast on my birthday. If you know me well enough to know when my birthday is... I could just imagine some might roll their eyes in knowing that it was a few good *cough* months *cough* ago.

Hence, this post is on Gold Coast. It was a fairly short trip, 3D2N including travelling time. A couple of hours of flight from Sydney to Gold Coast, if my memory doesnt fail it, should be around 2 hours. I was so worried that I will be denied from boarding... ... ... as I forgot to bring my passport and I doubt they will take my driving license with the picture from school days. It was too late to go back home to grab the passport as I realised I forgot to bring it aloMng only in the shuttle bus from the airport carpark to the airport.

As I am able to write this post, it meant that I safely board the flight and touchdown in Gold Coast. *phew*

Hence also able to take this picture of clouds from the flight
"Tour" from the personal tour company I was with organised a very good stay at Crowne Plaza Hotel, with a good view from the balcony :P
Had lunch at Hogs Breath, loitered a little around Surfer's Paradise and checked in the hotel. Rested a while and time passed by, by the time we got ready to go out again... the sun is setting...

My tour guide decide that we should have a stroll down the beach to the Surfers Paradise.

It was a good stroll as the wind was cooling as opposed to daytime which was rather hot. We took off our shoes and walked barefooted. Unfortunately when we reached Surfers Paradise, we took a while to find a tap to wash off those sand and thereafter sit around to air our feet :P

And..that was day 1 in Gold Coast :)

Side note: I wonder if I can reach the light on the ceiling...*ponder


  1. last ur blogging again..keep it up! i wanna read 2nd day onwards too..hahaha..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. lol.. there you go.. i posted day 2 as well dy :P

  4. Whoa, this year summer is coming soon! Nic pics anyway.

  5. hehe.. better late than never mah :D
