Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Found it!

I've found it! I've found it!

Amongst all those nasi lemak that I tried, from the ones in the restaurant that serve rendang in place of the usual sambal, to the ones from food court which I sworn off...I've finally found...


And it come in a bottle... this bottle...

I know it is not from scratched, but I dont have a blender or mortar & pestle to pound the sambal, besides I'm not a good cook... and.. @$!$%!%!@# chillies somehow is expensive here... and I'm lazy... :p

Anyway, saw this little bottle when I went grocery shopping in the Asian grocery store the other day. Thought I'll give it a try when I need fast fix for nasi lemak. Viola... it taste like Malaysian nasi lemak to bits. Yum...

I took a first taste of the sambal when cooking ... trying the taste cos it say adjust the taste with sugar (which I didnt, it is just right for me). No picture of food.. cos I cant wait to eat my dinner tonight!

Side note: Ok.. back to earth - back to wash the dishes... :P *happy*


  1. Glad you found the sambal at last...yet to find one that taste like home here....

  2. nvm lar.. its near home mah..

  3. I am going to look for this brand this Sat! :D

  4. Have u tried the Sambal from the Chiliz brand? It's from Msia. You can buy them from Asian grocery stores.

  5. Hi Charmaine.. thanks for the suggestion. Will look for that when I need my sambal fix again :D
