Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 2 in Gold Coast

Day 2 started with going to the usual theme park - in view of short of time, we decided to only go to one. According to the tour guide, we should try the Dreamworld... and so... Dreamworld we went, on a super hot summer day.

The main entrance, took the photo right before we left Dreamworld

Unfortunately for me, the tour guide is one of those crazy-ride-loving-local, the first ride we took was this...

Someone told us during the ride, "Open your eyes..."
That ride.. was scary.... and hence I told the tour guide that he could go on the next ride by himself and I'll wait for him, tour guide didn't seem to like the idea and persuaded me that the next ride would be kiddie ride.

Looks like only going in circles
As it looks innocent enough, so I agreed. I was wrong....

see, that was how it goes...
... Cos it goes more than just in circles...

Thereafter, we went exploring in other places.. and did I mention that it was stupidly hot that day... so after Dreamworld, we got ourself soaked in those ball, rolling down a hill...

I didn't take any photo after this
It was pretty fun, and someone had a good laugh at me when I tried to jump in the sphere ball, and got kind of *cough* stuck *cough* in the opening...

Day ended with Japanese dinner in Shogun which boast a small, cool Japanese garden.

And.. thats the end of day 2 :)

Side note: Pictures taken with iphone, camera was on loan to a friend

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