Sunday, November 4, 2007

Jalan-jalan Cari Makan

Literally translate to walk walk to find food. Attended one of the nicest Leadership Forum organized by the company, there were a few that I conveniently found myself in another place, but this one... truly is one of the nicest. It was like a food hunt where we were given an easy puzzle figuring out which restaurant and pictures and hints of food. We were to match the food to the restaurant and we get to taste them! It was a 8 course meal from 8 different restaurants :P

Food from Aseana Cafe, San Francisco Steakhouse, Bong Sen, Imperial Chakri Palace, Genki Sushi, House of Sudanese Food, Al Marjan and Dome Cafe.

Out of the eight restaurants/cafes, I've only been to 3 by myself, the rest just looks too expensive. Also, I find Al Marjan restaurant which serve Arabian food a very nice and cosy place to eat. If you are seated at the outside, looking up, you can see the Petronas Twin Tower. The sofa is just so comfortable that even after eating, we just don't feel like moving away, the food is good too... but I heard it's rather pricey :(

Umm.. its rather obvious I kind of like this restaurant, grin.. and hence more pictures on it.

the entrance, looking at the Korean restaurant opposite it
the interior

Side note: Iranian coffee tastes... not so much like coffee though...

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