Thursday, November 8, 2007


People told me that when you are stress, or depressed... smoking will somehow makes your woes puffed away... figuratively anyway.

Oh well, has quite a bit in my head and hence asked a friend for a stick of cig. Maybe not for smoking but just want to light it up or something. Friend didn't say anything but after a short while told me to check email.

In my inbox, I received this...

Grin... friend really make good use of virtual stuff, but i think the picture is rather nice :) so I asked for the JPEG copy and blog it up. Thank you, buddy. It was nice talking over it with you.

Side note: I desperately need to pay a visit to my optometrist, elephant glue doesnt seem to work anymore. Now specs frame is holding by celaphone tape = ="


  1. hahahaha hahahahah hahahaha. glad u love the virtual cig. dun be too notty and get a real one for urself... =.="

    cellaphone tape? this i gotta see... *grin*

  2. bluek... i'm getting my new specs tmw... will stash away the cellaphone tape specs then :P

  3. Smoking??? It's a hype up thingy thing I guess...

    I tried during uni once or twice or thrice... Dun tell my dad..

    But the only reason why it blew my woes away was that I was having it with a really good fren and we talked about stuff in the dark way past midnight. Heart pouring stuff...

    It was put to a stop soon enuf when someone I really like caught me and make me promise never to ever do it again... Hahah... the things we do for love when we were young...

    Anyway, back to the point... Just dun start...

    It might not blow your woes away all the time but later you will have even more headache trying to quit!!! Those things are damn addictive...

  4. ah.. so its may not the cig that works wonder. but anyway... calv gave me a virtual one..and i think i'll get spank from him if i ever do smoke.. i'll b good ;)
