Sunday, November 11, 2007

Homecook Food

It has been a while since I had homecook food but yesterday I went over to sis's place and mom cooked so I tapao back for dinner today.

Curry chicken - the way I like it, loads of potatoes and using chicken breast meat, no bone :P
prawn fried with egg. Mom has never cook this before, at least not using the big prawns but she said nice wor.
green veg... err, if you know me well enough, you would have known of my limited knowledge in identifying green veggies
winter melon soup with dried oyster
Kind of lame of me to post up what I had over dinner... but its sort of "patching" for my forgetfulness of taking pictures of the scrumptious bak kut teh I had yesterday with a friend. When I saw the food, I've forgotten all about taking pics ... and the only thing I took picture of was this...

The reason being was food wasn't served yet at that time
Anyway, now super bao bao :P

Side note: Picking up the new specs tomorrow after work... :P Maybe I should take pic of the cellaphone-tape-specs... :P

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