Friday, November 30, 2007



忘了是怎麼開始 也許就是對你 有一種感覺
忽然間發現自己 已深深愛上你 真的很簡單

愛的地暗天黑都已無所謂 是是非非無法抉擇 喔~~
沒有後悔為愛日夜去跟隨 那個瘋狂的人是我 喔~~

I LOVE U 無法不愛你 BABY 說你也愛我 嗚
I LOVE U 永遠不願意 BABY 失去你

不可能更快樂 只要能在一起 做什麼都可以
雖然 世界變個不停 用最真誠的心 讓愛變的簡單

愛的地暗天黑都已無所謂 是是非非無法抉擇 喔~~
沒有後悔為愛日夜去跟隨 那個瘋狂的人是我 喔~~

I LOVE U 一直在這裡 BABY 一直在愛你 嗚 ya~
I LOVE U (yes I do) 永遠都不放棄 這愛你的權利
如果你還有一些困惑 Oh No 貼著我的心傾聽
聽我說著 愛你 (yes I do)

一直在愛你 喔
I LOVE U 永遠都不放棄 這愛你的權力

Side note: I've always like this song but today listening to it today surprising calming

Friday, November 16, 2007


作詞: 林利南
作曲: 黃中原
演唱: 黃大煒、謝霆鋒、游鴻明、黃中原

(鸿明 中原)是不是你也和我一起在寻找
(大炜 霆锋)我相信那么多的关心总会带来希望
(鸿明 中原)陪你一直到老
(中原 鸿明)我知道这些日子你要承担多少哀伤
(鸿明 中原)才可以面对破碎的梦想
(鸿明 中原)别忘了我们这里还有鱼

Source: Baidu, Kingnet

Side note: Calv just posted up this song a few days ago. The song has been an all time favourite, bringing memories. Also the lyrics has a hopeful meaning... may all find their "fishes" :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Do you remember this boy? He acted as Nick Szalinski in Honey, I shrunk the kids the movie many years back. This is how I felt I looked like when I first started to wear specs. I dont know why but back then I remember I would always notice the frame whenever I looked at things and I just felt I look like him.

Anyway, got my specs yesterday. This is how the new pair of glasses look like

Had to get it done fast cos the old pair was dying... it actually broke a few months back, somewhere in July or August and all the while I stick it with elephant glue, till somehow it doesnt work anymore and I had to hold it using cellaphone tape. That was it, I had to replace it.

Zooming it in for a clearer view

The white colour tape is magic tape (read: its only "invisible" when u use it on papers)

Anyway, this new pair is probably my 5th specs.

1st specs: Lost
I remember my 1st specs was lost when I was riding my bike. The zip on the bag opened and everything flew out, including my file, university application form and of course the specs. That time I dont wear specs when I ride bike, got this odd thought that I cant wear helmet when I wear specs. Shrug.

2nd specs: Scratches
It was uni orientation and it was really hot. Specs was getting oily. I was wearing this baju kurung and spontaneously I reached up and wiped the specs using baju kurung. The whole lens was scratched. I wore the scratched specs for a whole year before got it changed.

3rd specs: Chipped
The frame was chipped and it has been a long while since I changed my specs. Had my eyes checked and the astigmatism reduced. So I changed a new one. This must've been the most normal reason to have a specs changed.

4th specs: Broken
The one just retired a few days ago. I had to wear contact lens to work while waiting for this new specs.

Hope the new specs last long.

Side note: Think my ear not same height, a bit painful after wearing the new specs.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Homecook Food

It has been a while since I had homecook food but yesterday I went over to sis's place and mom cooked so I tapao back for dinner today.

Curry chicken - the way I like it, loads of potatoes and using chicken breast meat, no bone :P
prawn fried with egg. Mom has never cook this before, at least not using the big prawns but she said nice wor.
green veg... err, if you know me well enough, you would have known of my limited knowledge in identifying green veggies
winter melon soup with dried oyster
Kind of lame of me to post up what I had over dinner... but its sort of "patching" for my forgetfulness of taking pictures of the scrumptious bak kut teh I had yesterday with a friend. When I saw the food, I've forgotten all about taking pics ... and the only thing I took picture of was this...

The reason being was food wasn't served yet at that time
Anyway, now super bao bao :P

Side note: Picking up the new specs tomorrow after work... :P Maybe I should take pic of the cellaphone-tape-specs... :P

Thursday, November 8, 2007


People told me that when you are stress, or depressed... smoking will somehow makes your woes puffed away... figuratively anyway.

Oh well, has quite a bit in my head and hence asked a friend for a stick of cig. Maybe not for smoking but just want to light it up or something. Friend didn't say anything but after a short while told me to check email.

In my inbox, I received this...

Grin... friend really make good use of virtual stuff, but i think the picture is rather nice :) so I asked for the JPEG copy and blog it up. Thank you, buddy. It was nice talking over it with you.

Side note: I desperately need to pay a visit to my optometrist, elephant glue doesnt seem to work anymore. Now specs frame is holding by celaphone tape = ="

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Jalan-jalan Cari Makan

Literally translate to walk walk to find food. Attended one of the nicest Leadership Forum organized by the company, there were a few that I conveniently found myself in another place, but this one... truly is one of the nicest. It was like a food hunt where we were given an easy puzzle figuring out which restaurant and pictures and hints of food. We were to match the food to the restaurant and we get to taste them! It was a 8 course meal from 8 different restaurants :P

Food from Aseana Cafe, San Francisco Steakhouse, Bong Sen, Imperial Chakri Palace, Genki Sushi, House of Sudanese Food, Al Marjan and Dome Cafe.

Out of the eight restaurants/cafes, I've only been to 3 by myself, the rest just looks too expensive. Also, I find Al Marjan restaurant which serve Arabian food a very nice and cosy place to eat. If you are seated at the outside, looking up, you can see the Petronas Twin Tower. The sofa is just so comfortable that even after eating, we just don't feel like moving away, the food is good too... but I heard it's rather pricey :(

Umm.. its rather obvious I kind of like this restaurant, grin.. and hence more pictures on it.

the entrance, looking at the Korean restaurant opposite it
the interior

Side note: Iranian coffee tastes... not so much like coffee though...