Monday, January 29, 2018

New Zealand: Digging a small pool at Hot Water Beach

Hot Water Beach is exactly like its name - hot water beach. At low tide, one can expect thermal water bubbling just beneath the surface of the sand. I didn't know about the low tide part though because we didn't check any timing but basically dropped by as it was  nearby Hahei Beach where we ended our kayaking activity.

By the time we reached back to Hahei Beach from kayaking, it was past 5 pm but we proceeded as it was just 10 minutes away. There is a car park that charges $2 per hour but I think if you continued on, you would be able to find free parking area.

Spot the crowd at the far left!
MMC and I walked towards the crowd and started digging with the shovel that we brought (on loan from the accommodation) but no hot water. We thought it was a myth. Then we decided to move nearer to the crowd and dipped our feet into a deserted 'pool' and it was warm! So we continued digging through the small pool and buried our feet beneath the sands. We didn't stay long as we have been looking out for Little P and Y as we have lost them. Lost as in when we turned back to see, they were no longer strolling behind us.

You'll actually see this before the Hot Water Beach :P

Side note: What? End of the month already! Less than a month to Lunar New Year @_@

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