Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Western Europe: Switzerland - From Luzern to Gimmelwald

I am the cheapskate who only connects to the internet via free wi-fi when I travel. The Germans and the Swiss made very good train apps and I used them a lot but of course, they require internet connection. So my phone had heaps of screenshots of the train connections, etc. Getting to Gimmelwald from Luzern involved a train ride with a change at Interlaken Ost to Lauterbrunnen. From Lauterbrunnen I took a bus to Stechelberg and changed to cable car and got off at Gimmelwald (Schilthornbahn). So you see why I want to reach at a decent time but at least when it is still bright. The whole trip wasn't too long actually, about 3 hours and I have a soft spot for train rides.

From a conversation with a local Swiss lady, trains from Luzern to Interlaken are usually packed and busy but I guess travelling during weekday working hours got me on a fairly empty train. I was initially seated on the left side of the train but after awhile I noticed view on the right side are prettier so I swapped, there were plenty of empty seats all around. There were less than 10 passengers on the same carriage as me.

I also like it that there is a map of the area on the train's little table.

Here's one from the cable car on my way up to Gimmelwald for the first time. It is the only way to get to Gimmelwald other than by foot, so I was on the cable car pretty often! Haha.

Side note: Only 3 more days to the last quarter of the year, where has the time gone?

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