Monday, September 25, 2017

Western Europe: Switzerland - Classic Rigi Round Trip

The first day of my Swiss Travel Pass and i travelled on a bus, boat, cogwheel railway, aerial cable cars and trains. Haha. The plan for the day was to visit Mount Rigi then pressed on to Gimmelwald. Yes, a long travelling day but it that would give me two days options to go up to the mountains, in case of bad weather on one of the day. Despite an extra cost of Fr. 7 (the larger locker), I decided to deposit my backpack in a locker at Luzern train station instead of going back to the hostel to retrieve it after Mount Rigi.

While waiting for the boat to start
I did the Classic Rigi Round Trip route which was:

Luzern - Vitznau (boat)
Vitznau - Rigi Kulm (cogwheel railway)
Rigi Kulm - Rigi Kaltbad (cogwheel railway)
Rigi Kaltbad - Weggis (aerial cable car)
Weggis - Luzern (boat)

After dropping my backpack in the train station, I walked across to Pier 1 to catch the scheduled boat. The boat was actually quite full, I found a seat but later on left it to walk to the other side as it got too hot as it wasn't under shade. I saw one of the girls from the dorm I checked out earlier, Jade and we walked together in Rigi. Jade is a Korean student who did her foreign exchange in Germany. When I saw her in Luzern, she was in her last couple of weeks in Germany so she was doing some travelling around Europe before heading back to Korea. She was the one who told me that Switzerland is one of the top destination for Koreans.

First class only, I was outside... haha
It was a short walk to the cogwheel railway after getting off the boat at Vitznau.

 Initially I thought I would enthusiastic to do a small trek but my motivation were all drained out under the hot sun. Haha... hot weather travel and I don't go along very well but I seem to end up doing those lately. Um.

Here are how it was up Mount Rigi. It was a little foggy but still pretty good! I didn't take too much of a photo especially from the aerial cable car as I was not unfortunate enough to be standing next to the window, but there were reflections anyway, especially on a sunny day.

I have appalling stamina but mountains make me happy. ^^

We got back to Luzern at a good time which means I didn't have to rush to reach Gimmelwald at a decent time. It is worth noting that there is a bit of walk from the aerial cable car station to the pier, though majority if not everybody on the cable car are going to head there anyway, so just walk with the rest of the crowd. I'm sure at least someone will know where they are going and err, safety in numbers. Haha.

Pier at Weggis
Ok, last one... just because.

Side note: Ok, I think I have satisfy my craving of CKT.. haha

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