Sunday, February 15, 2015

Tokyo: Mutekiya 無敵家 in Ikebukuro 池袋

Less you think we just had our meal in Doraemon Museum and straightaway had another one. The meal in Doraemon Museum cafe was lunch. We spent the rest of the day in the museum and by the time we left and commute back to Tokyo, it was time for dinner.

This was the only meal we pre-planned to include in the itinerary - Ramen in Mutekiya. Here's the direction we had to get to this ramen place from JR Ikebukuro station.

- Ikebukuro exit east, Citibank in front, Uniqlo left, Mutekiya right.
- Queue in line and don't move away, if move away cannot re-join the group, have to move to last of queue.
- Might be seated anywhere that has an empty seat.

There was a short queue by the time we got there, it was fairly early than usual dinner time. We keep ourselves entertained by taking some photos here and there.

Soon enough, it was our turn. We were actually seated together, all five of us on the bench facing the kitchen. Strategic spot if you ask me ;)

We picked the best seller ramen

And a plate of gyoza to share
Dinner in Mutekiya was fussed free like any other ramen joint - queue, order upfront, eat, slurp, drink up the soup, pay and exit. And... I shall go for my ramen fix this week too. Maybe it's time to give ramen joints in Melbourne another chance.

Side note: When's the next long weekend again?...


  1. Ikebukuro! Or, as I call it, Iki-biki-kuru. ;) It has great restaurants, but that station is a nightmare. Didn't you get lost in its bowels?

    1. Gasp! I spelled it wrongly (correctly now). Iki-biki-kuru is much easier to remember... I seem to always get the spelling wrong :p
      Ah.. I think I got push along in the mass of people!
