Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tokyo: Asakusa 浅草 and Senso-ji

I suspect Hotel La Passion is a love hotel
Day 3 was our last day in Tokyo. It was a little mix in the bag as one wanted to see Senso-ji, one wanted to see autumn leaves and as much as this sound ridiculous, I wanted to see a clock. Yes, I hopped on a flight for more than eight hours and I wanted to see a clock. Ahem. The logical arrangement was to split up and have their own adventure. I don't remember what happened in the discussion, but the outcome was all of us to travel together.

As our hostel was based in Asakusa, naturally the first pit stop was Sensoji. I wrote how I actually visited Ghibli Museum three out of my four trips to Japan. I somehow ended up in Senso-ji every time I was in Japan, yes, including that time when I went to Hokkaido. I brought my mom to Senso-ji in the short stint in Tokyo before flying out of Haneda Airport.

So back to the photo above on a little shrine. Our hostel was just a stone throw away from the shrine, I was wandering around the block while waiting for the rest to get ready.

This is not part of the shrine.. I was walking around the block...
After all parties were ready, we walked to Sensoji and stopped by Family Mart on our way again to grab breakfast. We had cravings for the evil sandwich and I also grabbed a milk matcha after I saw someone picked it up from the fridge.

Hand model: Little P

By the time we reached Sensoji, it was already swarmed with people.

I stepped out of Nakamise-dori and took a photo of him and lost sight of Little P in the sea of human. Ru wrote a nice post about this scoundrel and the other four.

There seem to be some festival of some sort at that time, probably because it was Culture Day public holidays. So I missed my chance of visiting Tsukiji Fish Market which was closed on public holidays.

I drew an omikuji for general things. It was a good one so I carried it with me. I found Little P again right after this as she was at the opposite side getting a couple of omamori.

Why didn't I check my camera after I took this shot *palm face*

Side note: Why is flight tickets between PER-MEL so expensive.. blah...


  1. Oh my giddy aunt you were basically in my backyard. How is it possible to live here and still chortle with delight when you see photos of your own streets? I'm such a nerd.

    Sky Tree! Wheee!

    Ah. Wait. If I turn my head just slightly, I can see it anyway. Doesn't matter. Sky Tree! Photo! Wheee!


    1. lol..and you don't miss any Sky Tree photos, do you? ^^
