Sunday, February 1, 2015

Autumn in Japan!

My last overseas trip in 2014 was to Japan. I admit I went crazy last year in terms of travels but in my defence, most of the trips were unexpected (I got the tickets for Japan prior to Europe!). Anyway, it was probably a good thing as I changed job end of last year so I would be grounded mostly this year. Thanks to the trips last year, I am still fairly contended this year, especially since I have just returned from a week work trip to Sydney. It was a fairly busy work trip but I managed to catch up with some friends, so there were good food (yay!) but the calories have probably make themselves comfortably down at my hips (shudder!).

N=night, M=morning, A=afternoon, E=evening
Our flight out of Melbourne was on a Friday night (yup, I'm all about maximising my annual leave, 20 days a year are not enough!). So, 3 full days in Tokyo, followed by 2D1N in Hakone, 2D2N in Nikko, then back to Tokyo before departing. Very short one week in Japan.

There were five of us this round. Little P's cousin and friends joined us in Tokyo and Hakone then went on to Osaka and Kyoto. Little P and I went up north to Nikko then  back to Tokyo.

Given the short 7 days, we didn't want to travel too far from Tokyo especially since our ticket was Melbourne - Narita.

31/10, Day 00 - On flight
01/11, Day 01 - Tokyo* (Khaosan World Asakusa Ryokan)
02/11, Day 02 - Tokyo*
03/11, Day 03 - Tokyo*
04/11, Day 04 - Hakone* (Fujimien)
05/11, Day 05 - Hakone, train to Nikko* in the evening (Nikko Tokanso)
06/11, Day 06 - Nikko*
07/11, Day 07 - Nikko, train to Tokyo* in the afternoon (Kimi Ryokan)
08/11, Day 08 - Tokyo, flight out of Narita in the afternoon.
*referring to where we overnight

All hotels were booked upfront before departing, as well as tickets to Ghibli Studio and Fujiko F Fujio's Museum (courtesy of Little P). Kudos to Little P and her cousin for planning the trip :)

Side note: Despite that popular sakura season in Japan, spring is the only season I have not been to Japan. Ha! Speaking of ironic huh. ;)


  1. 20 days of annual leave?! That's a lot. But honestly, really not enough for travel bugs llike us. Haha

    1. I think 20 days a year is the standard industry annual leave days in Australia. There's also option to purchase leave for up to 4 weeks (i think). That's technically unpaid leave but one pays back in installment, so would actually still gets paid regularly.
      But I guess in Malaysia, one may get more annual leave the longer they stay with a company or it comes with promotion...
