Friday, January 30, 2015

Ph(f)oto Friday: "I'm not a psychopath...

Of course, the back of the shirt reads, "I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research."

Side note: Ok, I jumped on the bandwagon of Sherlock a little late but it is so good! Beats me why didn't I watch it earlier but I've fixed that!


  1. Replies
    1. Grin - I actually saw it in a pop up shop selling merchandise from Dr Who, Sherlock and other BBC production TV show. Would've gotten the shirt as a Kris Kringle gift idea if it fits the set price limit ;)

  2. 1) I'd shoot a baddie at point-blank range to get that T-shirt.
    2) Welcome to Sherlock Hiatus Hell: years and years and years between series. [Ru crawls away and sobs in corner.]

  3. Umm.. ya.. I have been watching and re-watching and re-watching....
