Sunday, September 21, 2014

Jaipur: Birla Mandir

Looking up to Moti Dungari fort
Birla Mandir or Birla Temple is a Hindu temple in Jaipur, located at the base of Moti Dungari hill. It is part of one of the several Birla Mandirs all around the country. This was essentially our first stop in Jaipur as we reached Jaipur in the evening. Our driver did make a stop in Albert Hall but it has passed the opening hour so we only visit it the next day.

Birla Mandir is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi and built in pure white marble. Photography is not permitted inside the temple.

Despite this is a Hindu temple, there are pictures and figures of religious saints, philosophers and historical achievers, like Socrates, Buddha. Here's one of Madonna with Christ.

There are many visitors to the temple, I am not really sure if they are tourists or locals who came for prayers. Some sat outside of the temple in the compound resting, and having a little chat.

Side note: I wish the bills are spread out!

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