Sunday, September 14, 2014

India: On the road to the Golden Triangle

I uploaded a picture on the route we took here, and Little P asked me, "Where's the triangle?"

So, here's another google map screen shot showing the Golden Triangle of India - Jaipur, Agra and Delhi. Of course, we did not back track to Jaipur, this is merely for illustration purposes. LOL. Sounds very much like an advertisement disclaimer.

The road trip from Udaipur to Jaipur is not short, it took more than half a day and highway in India is unlike the ones you see elsewhere. Likewise other roads or streets in India, one can still see cows sitting in the middle of the road, though we did see more trucks.

Encouraging drivers to give them a honk!
Our driver manoeuvred with super skills, avoiding cows and overtaking cars. As usual, I dozed off in no time though Little P stayed awake as she was in awe with our driver's superior driving skills.

We found the colourful decorations on the trucks very interesting, and our driver stopped by one of the many stalls which sell the truck decos for us. Yup, all these are for the trucks and some of the decorations are meant to ward off bad luck :)

Side note: Back to work, back to work...


  1. I looked at the title and for a moment I thought you went to Myanmar or Laos. Heh.

  2. lol - i have not been to Myanmar nor Laos...
