Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lake Tekapo: Our stay in Parkbrae Estate

Our two days in Lake Tekapo was unfortunately pouring like no tomorrow, and I have realised that my only photo of this boutique accommodation is taken out from a car, of course - rainy day.

Our reservation at Parkbrae Estate was for Garden Tower, for 3 adults and 1 child. I didn't read up on the website before the travel, therefore I didn't expect that Garden Tower comprises of two floors - middle and top floor. Actually, sis who made the reservation was also as surprised as I was. Reason being there were actually 2 single beds and a queen size bed in the middle floor itself. It was more than enough to house all of us.

Middle floor:

Top floor:

The obvious bigger and more equiped kitchen, complete with a kitchen island
Likewise the middle floor, there were also comfy chairs at the balcony to enjoy the view. It was way too cold and foggy view for us, unfortunately.

We had high expectations and this place certainly was promising, especially the balcony overlooks to the Church of the Good Shepherd. We had hoped to see this...

Pic source
...but not only there were no stars to be seen, we could hardly see the church itself due to heavy rain. Sad to say that the only stars we saw was at about 4ish in the morning, in Queenstown sky.

and no church in the background....

Side note: Happy birthday Little P!


  1. Stars! STARS! We never see stars in Tokyo. Too much neon. :(

    Wish I could've been there, but the photos are rather nice, too. ^^
