Monday, May 12, 2014

Christchurch: On Christmas Day

Peacock fountain
I have been warned that Christchurch would be really quiet, even more so on a public holidays. As we were scheduled to touch down late on Christmas eve, we carried some dried foodstuff as precautionary, also niece would want some snacks and all.

We anticipated a quiet town with most shops would be closed, but this was even worse. In actual fact, everything was closed, even fast food eateries which we thought may be in operation. We ended up driving back to the airport to get some food for lunch before making our way to Lake Tekapo.

This is probably the only one place that was open - Christchurch Botanic Gardens, and probably because it was free of charge.

Canterbury Museum

We only walked a very small part of the garden. Refer here for the map for the garden, we only walked the part near city.

These were from the Vegetables and Herb Garden area.

We left Christchurch for Lake Tekapo at about noon-ish after making a pit stop at the airport to buy food and ate them in the car to save time. :P

Side note: Back to lounge with light! ^^


  1. Really?

    Can't imagine such a quiet life.

    1. Yup.. we even round to a couple fast food joint thinking it would be open but it wasn't!
      = ="
