Sunday, April 27, 2014

Perth: A quick walk in the CBD

Little niece's toy :P
Last November I made a little trip Perth (my most visited city in Australia!) for a week. It was awesome that my boss allowed me to work in the Perth office, so I didn't have to take any annual leave, I was running short on leave entitlements. :P

It was an additional bonus that the view from Perth office was superb.

Pardon the reflection..
View from Melbourne office are just brown building :|
On the trivial negative end, it was quite a hectic week as work was busy. However, I managed to squeezed in some short walks here and there.

It does feel a little strange to see the Christmas deco at the background but I was there just before Christmas...

A little angel ^^

Side note: I so need to fix that light in my lounge room.. :(


  1. How great to be able to join work and trip together!

    1. it is.. hectic but all worth it to save annual leave :P
