Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Perth: Point Fraser and Chilli Mussels

What's the connection between Point Fraser and chilli mussels? Technically, there isn't any but there's a little story (nothing juicy.. so don't get your hopes high). Ever since we missed having mussels in Belgium moons ago, sis and I have been keeping an eye for anything mussels. LOL. She found a chilli mussel place in Perth and had been talking about it, so I was looking forward to some chilli mussel for dinner.

Little niece agreed to outside dining, subject to a little park detour. Sis had in mind another park, near Swan Bell but there were no parking space available. Point Fraser came to the rescue.

Point Fraser is an artificial wetland, connected by boardwalks. This wetland filtered stormwater before flowing into Swan River, this helps to preserve the balance of the river.

We head to Concas for chilli mussels thereafter. Concas is a no nonsense eatery, if you are after good dining ambience, you would be sorely disappointed. In fact, it felt like some Asian chap fan (economy rice) place but this is the Italian version of it.

The chilli mussels were good but I read from urbanspoon that it is not as good now compared to previously. We only ordered chilli mussels and one pasta dish so that niece can have some (pasta, not chilli mussels). Unfortunately, only the chilli mussels were up to par.

Side note: I have just jumped on the bandwagon of reading Game of Thrones :p


  1. Love the wetland!

    And hungry over the chilli mussles ;)

    1. Chilli and/or spicy food are comfort food for current cold-ish weather
