Friday, November 8, 2013

Ph(f)oto Friday: Part 2 - Payback

D has a lemon tree at home, and on off he would bring in one or two lemon to make lemon drink. So far I had drawn smiley face on his lemons and hid them, so D has a standing instruction that I am not allowed to disturb his lemons :P

He mocked my overnight oats, and as payback I've decided to draw a duckie on his lemon. :P
Why duckie? Ah - if you are familiar with this app call LINE, not too long ago, they launched a duckie sticker series - Sally. One of them is this sticker...

Sally (the duckie) is poking a caterpillar/wormie with a stick. Little P referred 'stirring' act is like Sally poking the wormie. Hence, I drew a duckie on his lemon :P

Side note: Where has the time gone!?