Friday, November 15, 2013

Ph(f)oto Friday: Lozenge

I know it is might be a little strange to take a picture of a throat lozenge but the first time I was offered one, I was like, "Ooh, this lozenge is pretty!" LOL

So I decided to take a picture of it, and yes - still much to the amusement of my co-workers. After taking a couple of shots (got to get it right, right?) I turned and told my co-worker, "I'm not strange."
I could tell from his face that said, "Yeah, right." Guess it will take (a lot) of time to undo this.. :P

Side note: I'm back to chocolate and ice-cream season...


  1. "I'm not strange." Can I have a sworn affidavit?

    PS: It's difficult to take photos of pills! I once tried to do that to prove how small Japanese dosages are compared to South African ones.

    PPS: I'm not strange, either.

    PPPS: So what does it taste like?

    1. LOL
      "PPS: I'm not strange, either." --> is there a sworn affidavit on this too :P

      PS: it has a cool menthol taste, also contains eucalyptus oil ^^
