Friday, September 20, 2013

Ph(f)oto Friday: Tamarillo

Pardon the blurry photo, this is the only one I have. Don't know what was in my head at that time, that I didn't take another shot with the fruit nicely placed on my desk. Probably too eager to tuck in.

Despite the very subpar quality, I want to post this, to remind myself the name of this fruit. I have not seen or heard of this fruit prior and expressed great interest when my colleague brought this in on a fine Friday. The best part - it was from his very own Tamarillo tree.

I have linked up the wiki page above. Taste wise, I do find the fruit has some similarity towards tomato. I was told that to eat the fruit, technically you just cut it in half and scoop the flesh with a spoon. Some people eat it with some sugar sprinkled on the fruit.

Side note: I feel like I don't clock enough sleeping time! = ="


  1. Never heard of this before, but that Wikipedia article says it's cultivated in South Africa too. It is?! I wish I could taste it.

    1. Mmm.. I'm not too sure if its found in South Africa. I have not seen or heard of it anywhere till my colleague brought it in to work. So I know its grown in Australia - at his house. If this can be post, I would've ask him for another one and post it to you!
