Sunday, September 22, 2013

Multicultural events at Feds Square


So - what's the connection between Taiwan and Korea? Grin - just simply because both are one of the many multicultural events here in Melbourne, and they were back to back, a week after another.

Taiwan Festival was on 1st September and Korean Wave Festival was just a week after, on the 7th September of this year. Both were held in Federation Square.

Set up of both festival were fairly similar, there were some stalls introducing Taiwan and of course, culture related booths and food.


Korean - just in case you missed the Gangnam :P
To be honest, I was rather disappointed in both the festival. I was expecting it to be of a larger scale but unfortunately not. Even food stalls, there were just a couple of them. I didn't get anything as the queue was too long and I just couldn't be bothered getting in the crowd and lining up.
Perhaps I was just being too hopeful, but a couple of years back I went to a Korean Festival in Sydney and it was brilliant. I remembered watching Nanta performing on the stage too! I'm sorry Melbourne, but the one in Sydney were much better.

Side note: I think I need a new hobby


  1. The Gangnam craze has not died down yet? :P

    1. lol - i think they would just include anything that says "Korea/Korean" :P

  2. Replies
    1. Japan festival was held early this year but it coincided with the first day of lunar new year.. so I had to give it a miss :(
