Sunday, June 17, 2012

Vivid Sydney 2012

There was suppose to be some image of someone sleeping on the roof of the Opera House, just not in this pic that I took.

I'll confess. This is an overdue post, I actually went to see those lights on the first day of the event and the event went on for slightly over 2 weeks... the event has ended on 11th June 2012. My apologies.

Vivid Sydney is an annual event (so, there's always next year... just saying) where a few spots in Sydney, usually the Circular Quay area - is transformed into a canvas of lights, music and ideas after the sun has set.

It was not just the buildings, there were some 'stations' set up along the walk up to the Opera House. There were heaps of people posing with the lights.

One of the two buildings with lights shows was the MCA (Museum of Contemporary Art).

... and the other was the Custom House...^_^

I tried to upload a little video on the light show but it was taking way tooooo long.. and the lappie stopped working the first try. Oh well..

Side note: Of late, blogger is such a nuisance to format.. bleh.

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