Saturday, June 23, 2012

Thrombolites at Lake Clifton

My niece refered to this as “会长大的石头”, literally translated as stones that can grow up. They aren't exactly grow up but thrombolites, or rather 'living rock's are a form of microbialites, which are rock-like structures built by micro-organisms. One of the few places in the world where thrombolites grow is at Lake Clifton in Western Australia, approximately 3 hours drive south from Perth.


At the entrance, there were two walks to lead to the thrombolites - Thrombolites boardwalk or Lakeside Loop Trail. Difference being that the former was 600m return, while the latter 5km return. No prize in guessing to which we took.

It was fairly quiet on the day we visited. Not too sure if it was due to the winter season or merely because we were the only visitors at that time.

The thing to see was obviously the thrombolites, but Lake Clifton itself were beautiful and serene. The quietness obviously add to the beauty.

Side note: 端午节快乐 ^_^

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