Monday, January 16, 2012

Singapore: Christmas 2011

That was my 4th Christmas after moving to Sydney. Christmas in Sydney gave me the feeling of CNY, family gathering and the gifts exchange were a little similar to angpow. Of course, there were instances where people do not exchange gifts and note the word exchange, rather than angpow where you received from people older than you.

Anyway, the previous 3 years, I was in Sydney. I bit the bullet this round and booked a return ticket home. Not specifically for Christmas, but for a dear friend's wedding. So I thought I'll travel to Singapore to visit some friends on the way home, rather than making a separate trip to Singapore. Come to think of it, as the years go, more friends have moved across the causeway and earn the Singapore dollar.

I remembered Orchard Road in Singapore has having some really nice Christmas decoration, there were one year where they had M&M as the theme. Shopping complexes had their own decorations and were very much elaborate, compared to Christmas trees in Sydney

I flew home with Singapore Airlines, after work on 23rd December which coincidentally was on a Friday last year. Even the flight was decorated with mistletoe. But no, the dessert was not Christmas pudding or panettone. Grin.

Christmas theme this year in Changi Terminal 3 was *drum roll* - Angry Bird. Very uptodate, isn't it? Little P and Moo Moo Gal already had their rounds of taking pics and posing with the decos while waiting for my flight to touch down.

Here are pictures on the Christmas decoration taken in Orchard Road, and I must add, on a rainy night of Christmas Eve. Despite the thought of bringing along an umbrella did flashed through my brain, but not only I did not check the weather forecast, I did not bring an umbrella along :P I was tagging along Moo Moo Gal's froggy umbrella (it's froggy or was it rabbit?)

~ Hehe.. this obviously is taken during daytime, however still a drizzly day, while waiting for another friend and her little girl. I believe was outside Paragon Shopping Centre

~ Wonder if the horsey can support the weight of a little girl... *ponder*

~ Shiny tree from Tiffany & Co

~ very shiny tree

~ I'm not very familiar with images from the Bible, the only one I think I may get it right is the one on bottom right - Shepherd and Sheep

~ I like these little snow globe looking thingy the most, beautiful aren't they?

Side note: A very merry Christmas, albeit very much late greetings :P

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