Sunday, January 15, 2012

Perth: Sunset at Trigg Beach

My over the weekend trip ended with watching the sun set at Trigg Beach. Just some random pictures I took.

~ Not just us who were waiting for the sun set eh :P

~ Do you have someone growing old and watching sunset together?

akai sora
red sky
kirei na nichibotsu
beautiful sunset
nodoka na aki
tranquil autumn

Side note: The photo was actually taken on a summer evening :P


  1. I love the photos, particularly the shot with the seagulls. I've been to Perth twice but never got around to seeing the area much.

  2. thank you for liking the photos. These are nothing near the superb photos you took!

  3. I miss going to the beach for no particular reason at all. I want to just sit on the sand and watch the scenery change, reflecting on life and setting up new realistic goals to achieve. It would probably a good time to imagine what your future would look like after several years. Just be thankful that another day is finished; live the next one with pleasure.
