Wednesday, August 17, 2011

North Sydney Market

I'm so slack lately. Sometimes to the extend that I'll do my groceries after work on Friday night, and nua hibernate over the weekend. On rare occasions, I'll drag myself out for the sun. Last Saturday, was one of the rare occasions that I dragged myself out... to the North Sydney Market. It so happened that one of my classmates in Japanese class mentioned that she is manning a stall in the North Sydney Market regularly and we could pop by to visit. I used to visit the North Sydney Market, which was a stone throw away from where I used to live, now... I frequent the Kirribilli Market :P

North Sydney Market is located at Miller Street, next to the Stanton Library, every 2nd Saturday of the month, from 9am to 3pm. I thought I'll walk a bit... to absorb some Vitamin D.

I thought the gate looks nice... if I'm not wrong, the building is a church.

Roundabout at Milsons Point
Bridge connecting city to North Shore
First sign of spring? Doubt it though... still very much in winter
Graffiti at one of the back lane leading up to North Sydney
North Sydney Market in operation

Tempted... but didn't get any

Sri Lanka dishes - 4 vege dishes at $7, 4 vege dishes+1 meat (choice of chicken or mutton on the day I was there) at $8. The lady even offered to refill before I take the pictures, but I told her it's alright :P

Glutton me also bought a piece of the finger food ($3, though I'm not sure if all were priced the same) to munch when walkabout.

Back to dropping by to say Hi to my friend... I can't seem to locate her stall. Haha. When I saw her a couple of days ago, she described the neighbouring stalls and guess what, I remembered all of them, but somehow didn't see her. I must be mata sepet = ="

Walking away from the market... there's a red phone booth where I spent a lot of 50 cents and phone cards calling mom.

Buildings opposite the market, thought the contrast colour looks nice

... and drumroll... here's the building where I used to stay.. for at least 6 months.

Side note: Am tempted to get this bag in stone colour. :P

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