Friday, July 1, 2011

Vivonne Bay Bistro and Australian Birds of Prey

Regretfully, no picture of this lunch meal. I was unfortunately of not able to secure those 2 person table and hogging the whole table to myself... was in fact, had to sit at the 8 person table, so out of effort to behave less strange, I refrained myself from snapping pictures of the food.

First meal was vegetable soup, which was warm and toasty. Kept us warm. That followed by some selection of food from a short buffet bar. There were coffee or tea to end the 2 course pre-paid lunch. Anyway, the lunch was at Vivonne Bay Bistro, which of course was located in Vivonne Bay.

A short stroll from the bistro, there was this Flight Presentation of Australian Birds of Prey, including eagles, falcons and owls. Apparently, Dave Irwin (who is a relative to Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter) gave a small talk regarding the birds before the flight presentation which I missed, cos was loitering a little too long at the food bistro.

Anyway, here are some of the birds...

And this little owl here, was really friendly. She was hopping from lap to lap of everybody who sat the front row...and I was seated on the front row :D

This, however is a picture of here, sitting on the lap of a elderly gentleman next to me.

Side note: Wonder why the washing powder is running out so fast lately = ="

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