Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kangaroo Island: Remarkable Rocks

I wanted to have a crepe, loaded with fruit and cream but the shop was closed. I wanted to have wedges, dipped in sour cream and sweet chilli sauce together with big mug of coke, totally guilty food but it was sold out. So here I am, having a mandarin and a mug of ovaltine, watching tv and the scene was showing the girl eating fries. *roll eyes* It's totally unrelated but I'm not feeling too happy peppy since yesterday. Am glad it's the weekend or a blanket day is definitely in order. Anyway, totally unrelated to this post. In fact, this post is suppose to be remarkable, after all... it's the Remarkable Rocks. *crows flying past* Alright, lame joke.

I'm copying this from the information leaflet handed out by Sealink Kangaroo Island tour that I took.

Remarkable Rocks are a cluster of granite boulders, sculptured by the
weather and perched on a granite down rising steeply from the ocean. You can
take a walk around these huge rocks that have been carved into many different
weird and wonder shapes by the wind and the ocean spray over many centuries.

Views around the rocks...

Walking towards the said rock

This was where we headed towards...

Let me present to you... the Remarkable Rocks...

Like the usual tour, the guide will remind you on the time you need to be back. The same as this one, strangely enough when I was about to get off the bus, the driver/guide specifically reminded me not to be late. In my little heart, I was thinking to myself, "Do I look like those trouble maker who will be late?" Umm.. I spoke (or rather think) too soon. I was the last one to get back. The consolation - I was with another couple, walking back rather briskly together, just that I was the last to get on the bus :P

Side note: Suddenly feel like having tomato-ey stuff... cheese-y tomato bake rice.. yummm..

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