Monday, April 4, 2011

Travel logs

Read: Here's a link from Japan Foundation Sydney on Australia supports Japan

All in a sudden, I feel regret that I didn't document my travels previously. Blogging about it not only remind myself of those memorable moments, it also serve as a documented piece of places. Oh well... too bad. Don't think I could backdate the writing, especially the trips years back. Just want to jot down as to when I made my travel, before amnesia strikes and I don't even remember which year I went. :P

Oct 2003 - Korea
May 2004 - Siem Reap
May 2005 - Taiwan
Feb 2006 - Bangkok, Apr 2006 - Hong Kong, Macau, Zhuhai
Mar 2007 - Hong Kong, Sept 2007 - Brunei, Perth
Jan 2008 - Bali, Mar 2008 - Vietnam, Phnom Penh
Dec 2009 - Tokyo
May 2010 - Europe
Jan 2011 - Japan

Side note: It's getting harder to find a travel buddy :(

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