Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ichigo daifuku

I think its due for a food post, and ichigo daifuku deserves a very own post by itself. This was the reason why I didnt post up any photo on ichigo daifuku prior when I mentioned of successfully finding one. A lot of people gave answer that their favourite sweet food is ichigo daifuku.

So I have set up my mind that I want to look for ichigo daifuku... and the mission is not over yet, cos I have only got a konbini version of this daifuku. Meet ichigo miruku daifuku...

For the benefit of all, and to show that we take food seriously, I do a very sketchy diagram, copying the picture of the packet, of how the filling works out.

This one is more of a pasty type of filling, pretty good.. but now the aim is to find ichigo daifuku from a shop that sells wagashi specifically. :)

Following my recent craze of ichigo daifuku, I was excited when I saw this on sale in Sydney! *yay* but expensive *sux*

It was yummy... this was has a strawberry hidden inside oh... the best kind of dessert!

side note: One after another...

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