Saturday, April 30, 2011

Kyoto: Gion

I found myself in Gion, twice. First time with Moo Moo Gal and Ms Mo, second time myself, after travelled back from Amanohashidate.

Unconsciously, I actually missed lunch but was glad I had remaining swiss roll in my bag as snack. By the time I reached Kyoto, it was time for an early dinner. As I wanted to be in the 'golden time' (approximately 4.30pm to 6pm) to catch a glimpse of maiko or geisha, I had a quick dinner in a small shop in Kyoto Station, very near to where I got off Hashidate train.

Kakiage soba, 400 yen. Simple but delicious, look how clear the soup was. Different from the little shop in Hiroshima station where we had to eat standing, I get to sit for this one. Ordering as usual, to indicate soba or udon, and pick up my choice of topping, in my case - kakiage. A new popular soba/udon shop has opened in Sydney with this type of operation, I have yet try but it's in the list to visit.

Stepping in the main street in Gion, it was difficult to imagine how one could meet any maiko or geisha. It was bright, with stretch of shops on both side of the road. Hmm..

This look more of a probable place right, a little quieter...

Anyway, I later (before my second visit) found out that one has to hover around some particular street, and not some Tom, Dick and Harry street - it was called, 花见小路 (I think it's read as Hanami-koji).

I reached there somewhat 5ish. I loitered about till 6pm, I think. I saw only one maiko, and I think she was not a real one, just dressing up. It was a blur photo too - it did not help when the camera's battery is dying, she was walking, it was dark and I didn't want to flash, so I won't post it up here.

On another note, when I was in Gion the first round, there was some sort of festival called Toka Ebisu (January 10 Business Success Festival). A lot of people were carrying a bamboo branch plant. According to JNTO website, it it said that buying a good luck bamboo branch and pray to Ebisu, the patron deity of commerce for success in business.

Hence, there were stalls set up and mobile toilets to which I'll leave the story to Moo Moo Gal :P

Here's some pictures on the stalls.

toffee apples or in this case, りんごあめ (ringo ame)
Takosen, I read that they break takoyaki and smeared it over wafer biscuit. I didn't try any though, next time!

たい焼き (taiyaki)

Side note: Hehe.. I did get those Tobira textbooks from Junkudo bookshop in Kyoto, right before they closed for the day ^_^

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