Friday, April 29, 2011

Amanohashidate (天橋立)

I initially planned to take the 1.52pm train back, as no change of train needed. That... was a wishful thought as there is no way it could be done if you walked across 'the bridge'.

One of the very first thing you will see is a boat pier - Ichinomiya Station. The boat leaves at interval of approximately 15 minutes, I think it is worth a check on the time before heading off to the viewing park, especially considering the infrequent train.

After a few days of good weather, the sky threaten to rain and it did - rained and snowed. :(

Armed with a map I got from the tourist info office at the train station earlier, I walked towards Kono Shrine for cable car/lift.

This is Kono Shrine... and to get to the cable car/lift station one have to walk through the archway and by the side of the temple, which is a bit weird but.. oh well.

I got myself a return ticket (640 yen) from a vending machine, hoping to go up with a cable car and return on a lift. Luck not on my side, the lift service is closed for maintenance. Only cable car was available.

Despite all the hype on how beautiful Amanohashidate is (and yes, it is beautiful), to me, the surrounding of the viewing park was kind of let down. It just doesn't jive, like a wrong jigsaw puzzle piece. I got out of the cable car, up a flight of staircase, went in a souvenir shop and out on its "balcony" - welcome to Kasamatsu Park.

Here's the viewing spot, where you stand and view the sandbar upside down through your legs - a practice call "matanozoki". Back to the name of the place, Amanohashidate - Bridge in the heaven. By view it upside down through the legs, the sandbar was as if crossing the sky, in a way :)

This one to show what mata nozoki is... in case I make no sense :P
Yes, I did that but at the same time worried I would toppled over. :P

Despite I have reservation about the viewing park, there is no doubt it was a beautiful sight. Even the gloomy weather added to the magic.

In Kasamatsu Park, there was a similar wisdom ring.

Speaking of that souvenir shop, there was a chirimen postcard size picture on Amanohashidate which caught my eye. I was tempted, but I didn't buy it. I could've so kick myself now. Hmm.

After taken enough photos to my content, I took the next cable car back to Ichinomiya. There were shops along the way.

These blowfish (fugu) to ward off all kinds of evils (such as sickness, bad luck, etc)
I decided to take the boat on my way back - one way cost 520 yen. Thinking back, I think the weather was kind to me. The weather was pretty good on my walk. Only started to rain after I finished crossing the sand bar :)

Two ladies bought a small packet of prawn cracker on sale at the boat pier. I thought they were going to eat on boat, but no. They fed the birds from the boat.

Those birds chased the boat we were in for a bit till all the snacks were gone.

And so, I obviously missed the 1.52pm train I intended to. I love the JR pass... cos I casually hopped on 3.04 train bound for Shin Osaka. I thought, oh well, I could easily get another train back to Kyoto from Osaka. LOL. In fact, I slept on the train and only woke up when it stopped briefly in Fukuchiyama. Seeing a lot of people got off the train, I thought I would to and hey, I found a connecting train to Kyoto. *Lucky* :)

Edit:Forgot this very eye catchy manhole :)

Side note: Oh.. looks like blogger has been fixed ^_^

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