Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tokyo Disneyland: Snacks and Dinner

Here are some of the snacks we had while walkabout in Disney.

1. Caramel popcorn
Hmm... as you can see, it wasn't coated even enough or completely. So some doesn't have caramel, I like my sweets... so..

2. Gigantic Turkey Thigh
I personally don't like this one, despite raving reviews given that it was a must-try. I find turkey meat has the smell that I don't agree with. First bite was alright... but there after it was a struggle to finish it... especially when the 3 of us doesn't quite like it.

3. Tipo Torta - sweet potato filling
No complaints about this one, taste like some pastry with sweet potato filling but in long shape.

4. Raisin stick
Nah... didn't buy this from Disneyland. I brought this one. If you happened to be in Tokyo Disneyland on 19th January 2011 and while waiting for the Jubilation! parade, spotted a girl happily munching on this raisin stick... you probably seen me, glutton in action. I was munching on this happily like sitting in cinema prior to the Jubilation! parade marched in.

5. Dinner at Hokusai (1,580 yen)Minced tuna with rice and cold soba with dipping sauce which was I find refreshing. I like it. Had faint memory of having it many years ago in shop in KLCC but didn't quite enjoy it, but I like this one.

Side note: Hope my friend is alright in Tokyo

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