Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tokyo Disneyland: The Attractions

Day 2 in Tokyo was allocated to Tokyo Disneyland. The last Disneyland I went to was in HK, coincidentally was also with Moo Moo Gal. Am not particularly esctastic about collecting all the Disneyland, but I have not been to the one in Tokyo, so it turned out all good.

Anticipating food in Disney would be more expensive comparatively, we have a heavier breakkie than the usual bread.

I had this cheese curry, come highly recommended by Moo Moo Gal. Bought it in the kombini (I think it was Family Mart) in Yudanaka. It was quite good, sort of like the cheese curry served in HK cafe like Kim Gary.

As our usual route - Asakusa (Tsukuba) station to Akihabara, changed to JR line to Tokyo, then to Maihama on JR Musashino Line.

From here, turn left to Disney Sea and turn right to Disneyland. This round, we were only heading to Disneyland. There's an option of taking a train to inside the park, or just walk.

We thought that the train would be like the one in HK, of Disneyland theme in the last leg leading to the theme park. However, it was only this 'optional' train that has the Disney theme. We kind of missed it :P

The entrance to Tokyo Disney Resort. Prior to this archway, we actually walked passed a souvenir shop and there were signs of saying thank you and come again thingy. So it kind of feel like a little strange, like we were walking on the wrong direction. So I guess the intention is for people to take the train to the park, but walked out and on the way, buy more goodies.

I won't elaborate much, just some pictures of this said to be happiest place on earth.

There wasn't really a queue to take pictures with the character, but priority given to kiddies.

Minnie Oh Minnie Show @ Theater Orleans
Little kids in groups wearing different colour caps... if I remember correctly, they were heading towards to washroom in groups
Enchanted Tiki Room
Those teapots at the back are vending machines
♫ It's a small, small world!
the iconic castle
Jubilation! parade
Oh... and I shall end with this picture :P

Side note: Wish EY calls me very, very soon.. *sigh*

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