Thursday, March 31, 2011

The contrary daytime in Asakusa

Breakfast for the day - クリームパン which I bought from Family Mart in Akihabara. Tasted pretty good, also different from the usual one which we found in Lawson. This was our last day in Tokyo, and last day in Japan for Ms Mo and Moo Moo Gal. Moo Moo Gal said she was ready to go home. I was sure I was ready to stay on for some time longer. I like Japan, awfully a lot.

Asakusa during the day is so much different from night time. So much activities going on. I make the most of the opportunity to anasir Ms Mo and Moo Moo Gal to contribute to Japan economy :D We left Quality Hostel K House and walked towards Sensoji Temple... retracing my steps the night before.

Piggy said good morning

One the way to the main gate of Sensoji Temple, these 2 ladies were having an early morning chat. There were already a lot of people heading to the temple at this time. Likewise my previous trip, also a lot of students.

At the side of this temple, there's a little garden with Buddha statues. We didn't proceed forward into the temple area but instead, to the opposite direction - Nakamise Shopping Street. Didn't think I need to anasir a lot for them to buy anyway :P

So... as Ms Mo and Moo Moo Gal checked out the things on sale, I amused myself by taking pictures :D Umm.. of course, I succumbed to getting a couple of purchases too. :P

Some of the many lanterns, including the one with 'waving cat'...
Of course, Hello Kitty... 
More omamori

... and snacks! This one sells 人形焼き (Ningyoyaki)
As we reached the other end of Nakamise Shopping Street, last but not least, one last picture of Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate)

And I realised... the shop in Asakusa which sold heaps of cool Totoro stuff is no longer there :( A little different this time, we took the subway. Beautiful wall in the subway station.

Side note: I think there's something wrong with blogger lately, the settings gone crazy each time I click on the edit html... took ages to write a simple post :(

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Night walk in Asakusa

Read: I'm going to be cheong hei here. Here's the link on How to Help Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Survivors again from Todd's Wanderings.


I went back to the hostel and didn't see Moo Moo Gal and Ms Mo's shoes in the front. They were not back yet. I hang around in the hostel for a while but I have no keys to go in to the room, so I thought I'll go out for a walk. It was already 10pm at that time. So you see - shopaholics in action.

So I walked out of hostel, turned to Shin Nakamise Shopping Street, onward to Nakamise Shopping Street, to Sensoji Temple. A very short walk after turning right from Quality Hostel K House, I saw Family Mart. Haha.. to think that I walkabout Akiba and also went into Family Mart to buy a bun. :P

Pachinko... I didnt go in.

The shopping street is quiet at night, such contrast from during daytime.

I turned in to Nakamise Shopping Street, but at the crossroad between Kaminarimon and Sensoji Temple.

5 storey pagoda after the main gate to Sensoji Temple.

The gate from the inside...

Omikuji at Sensoji Temple

Don't know what overcame to me that day, must be having a blur moment that I didn't walk towards the Kaminarimon to take a picture of the famous gate = ="

It was closed to 11pm then, I reckon the 2 shophaholics should have returned to base. So I made my way back.

Side note: Where to next?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Night shots of Shinbashi and Akiba

A monorail ride took us back to Shinbashi from Odaiba. According to friend, this train here is known as 待ち合わせ場所 (machiawasebasho). Just like hachiko in Shibuya, a meeting place. I told him, luckily he didn't tell me to meet him there, I wouldn't have a clue.

We went into one of the multi level electrical shop nearby thereafter, as Moo Moo Gal thought of electronic dictionary and just to look see look see. Friend and I was casually browsing at some point and shoot camera and I asked if he has one. To my amazement, he doesn't own a camera but the one he brought to Sydney a year back was borrowed from his mother = ="

Then a sales person came by and wanted to introduce us to the said camera. At this point, friend asked what camera I am using, so I showed him my camera. The sales person saw my camera and laughed, said my camera is very good and gave up his intention to sell us the point and shoot :P

After that, I bid him goodbye and we went on different way - him travelling home and me back to Akiba. I walk a little to find food for breakkie the next day, that translate to konbini food.

The famous Akiba Yodabashi

back to Akiba station

Side note: Watched "Because I said So" the other day and scared myself crazy = ="

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Odaiba: Of Fuji TV and sushi dinner

Read: It feels a little weird as all other blogs who supports Blog4Japan are predominantly blogging about Japan and I'm not... but I want to do a little something to give back to this beautiful country.

Here's the link to support Blog4Japan and how to help Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Survivors at Todd's Wanderings.


I was late getting to Shinbashi, where I was to meet my friend at the Ginza exit. He said that we were to meet there as we need to change to Yurikamome line at Shinbashi and get on a monorail. Think I must have got the dialing code wrong cos the text message I sent out failed, but luckily I could call him to told him that I would be late... bad me :(

After I bought the monorail tickets (return 620 yen), friend got his card, we went on to board the monorail. Despite the doors were all opened but friend walked all the way to the front. I blindly followed. As monorail started to move, I understand the reason - the view. :)

Unfortunately, after 2 snaps, the battery went flat. The battery sign was already blinking when I was in Studio Ghibli, but bad timing.

So I fished out my old ixus...

As fate has it, after a couple of shot, the memory card in old ixus was full. As it was an older version of ixus, it could only take up a 4G SD card (maximum), the one in my other camera was 8G. As I expected that (just didnt expect it would happen it would happen on a monorail), I borrowed Moo Moo Gal's spare camera - another ixus but newer version. So the pictures in this short trip to Odaiba were taken using 3 different cameras. Haha.

Friend was going to bring me to Fuji Tv observation deck, last entry at 6pm, entry fee of 500 yen.

Somehow this blue doggie, Rafukun (Fuji TV's mascot) reminded me of snoopy. Shrug.

Some photos taken from the observatory deck. Sun was setting. :)

Sun has set. We weren't there that long, just before and after sun set was pretty fast. That bridge there... Rainbow Bridge. I remembered when I first saw it when I was on a bus towards Narita Airport when my first trip to Tokyo, it did have some colours but somehow now it's all white. Hmm...

There was also some exhibition of photo on Fuji TV artistes or hosts for variety shows, but photos on those were prohibited. We then walked a bit in the Fuji TV building, there were some shops selling merchandise, and I bought a medallion on Chopper. Friend said at current, One Piece is the most popular anime in Japan.

Leaving the Fuji TV building via escalator lighted up with flourescent colour lights.

We then wandered around for a bit, and visited the Statue of Liberty.

It was then getting pretty windy, it was a winter night after all. I was all bundled up with my big puffy jacket that make me appeared clumsy but friend was casually only wearing his wind breaker = ="" At this time, he said it was getting cold, and blamed it on the location of Odaiba, near to the waters... right...

So we went inside one of the building, and friend bought me dinner. I had sushi for dinner :)
ありがとう ございます!Still no Tsukiji Market this round but compensated with sushi, said same as Tsukiji?

Of course I could start eating as the chef made the sushi... but I wanted to take a picture, so I waited :P

After main meal, friend introduced me to dagashi (dictionary translate it as cheap sweets). He said he used to have them when he was a kiddie.

This is cuttlefish snack, small square pieces, a bit sour but pretty good snack.

And these like are the regular junkfood type, but in long shape. Comes in different flavours.

Overall, I think Odaiba is a little too touristy, but then hey, after all it's a new place for me to explore :)

Side note: Craving for omuraisu...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Studio Ghibli: Straw Hat Cafe

Read: Finally received the notification email from Todd's Wandering post on his experience during the earthquake and howe we could help. Here's the link if you would like to pledge for help. :)


Lunch at Straw Hat Cafe! Not sure if I'm the only one excited, feel kind of bad if Moo Moo Gal and Ms Mo only obliged cos I so excited about going :-S

Silhouette of Kiki welcoming us...

Menu board - carried by Pocco Rosso character.

It was a rather long wait to get in. The cafe arranged some chairs in a big circle for those in the waiting line to sit on. Technically, that was the waiting line. So each time some guests went in the cafe, the rest will move forward and sit on the chairs emptied earlier. I reckon we probably was in line for at least 45 mins.

Picture taken from the waiting area
There was a quicker option if you are really hungry or did not want to wait. Next to the cafe, are hotdogs and hot snacks on sale, for takeaway.

While waiting, we were given menu to browse and pick what we want to order.

Waiting for our order to be served... pictures are not allowed in the restaurant, exception to the food served to us. So no pictures of the restaurant. We were seated at the bench, overlooking the barista preparing coffee, tea and cold drinks, also where they prepare the cake before serving :P

I had Straw Hat Omelette filled with rice. It was served on a Totoro plate, each Totoro was carrying a number. 10 Totoro around the plate, and 2 more at the center. There was a 'flag' stuck in the omuraisu, mine was a plane from Pocco Rosso.

It was yummy, and I tried to eat it slowly, so it last longer. However as expected, the price was higher comparatively, at 1,000 yen. The one I had in Nishiki Market, Kyoto was 650 yen. Though it was a totally different version from the picture posted in this website where I initially wanted to scout out the shop in Tokyo.

For dessert, we shared a strawberry short cake (790 yen). This one has a 'flag' of Ponyo. There is 4 different types of 'flag', there were 3 of us, and each of us got a different flag on our rice (coincidentally, all 3 of us fancy having the omelette rice :p). The waitress who served us was really kind, she checked our earlier 'flag' and note we havent had this Ponyo one yet, so she put this on the cake :)

I like this cake, hmm... light and fresh with strawberries in between. Think Ms Mo doesnt quite like it though.. can't remember what she commented though.

Ms Mo also ordered a hot choc and Moo Moo Gal had black coffee. I didn't feel like having coffee/tea at that time, so I only had water.

But if you order coffee with milk - coffee latte or such, the barista would draw a picture of straw hat with chocolate on the milk :) [I sneaked a picture]
And according to the description, it is said that if you ordered cold drinks, the straw given is really made from straw.

By the time we left Studio Ghibli, it has passed 3pm... and I was suppose to meet a friend at 4 in Ginza station. Uggh... Maybe I should've picked Shibuya instead. (I was given the choice between Shibuya or Odaiba, but I havent been to Odaiba so friend said let's go there... ). Mitaka was far... and I was late :(

Side note: Mamma Aiuto souvenir shop probably get most money from me.. lol