Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Night shots of Shinbashi and Akiba

A monorail ride took us back to Shinbashi from Odaiba. According to friend, this train here is known as 待ち合わせ場所 (machiawasebasho). Just like hachiko in Shibuya, a meeting place. I told him, luckily he didn't tell me to meet him there, I wouldn't have a clue.

We went into one of the multi level electrical shop nearby thereafter, as Moo Moo Gal thought of electronic dictionary and just to look see look see. Friend and I was casually browsing at some point and shoot camera and I asked if he has one. To my amazement, he doesn't own a camera but the one he brought to Sydney a year back was borrowed from his mother = ="

Then a sales person came by and wanted to introduce us to the said camera. At this point, friend asked what camera I am using, so I showed him my camera. The sales person saw my camera and laughed, said my camera is very good and gave up his intention to sell us the point and shoot :P

After that, I bid him goodbye and we went on different way - him travelling home and me back to Akiba. I walk a little to find food for breakkie the next day, that translate to konbini food.

The famous Akiba Yodabashi

back to Akiba station

Side note: Watched "Because I said So" the other day and scared myself crazy = ="

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