Thursday, March 31, 2011

The contrary daytime in Asakusa

Breakfast for the day - クリームパン which I bought from Family Mart in Akihabara. Tasted pretty good, also different from the usual one which we found in Lawson. This was our last day in Tokyo, and last day in Japan for Ms Mo and Moo Moo Gal. Moo Moo Gal said she was ready to go home. I was sure I was ready to stay on for some time longer. I like Japan, awfully a lot.

Asakusa during the day is so much different from night time. So much activities going on. I make the most of the opportunity to anasir Ms Mo and Moo Moo Gal to contribute to Japan economy :D We left Quality Hostel K House and walked towards Sensoji Temple... retracing my steps the night before.

Piggy said good morning

One the way to the main gate of Sensoji Temple, these 2 ladies were having an early morning chat. There were already a lot of people heading to the temple at this time. Likewise my previous trip, also a lot of students.

At the side of this temple, there's a little garden with Buddha statues. We didn't proceed forward into the temple area but instead, to the opposite direction - Nakamise Shopping Street. Didn't think I need to anasir a lot for them to buy anyway :P

So... as Ms Mo and Moo Moo Gal checked out the things on sale, I amused myself by taking pictures :D Umm.. of course, I succumbed to getting a couple of purchases too. :P

Some of the many lanterns, including the one with 'waving cat'...
Of course, Hello Kitty... 
More omamori

... and snacks! This one sells 人形焼き (Ningyoyaki)
As we reached the other end of Nakamise Shopping Street, last but not least, one last picture of Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate)

And I realised... the shop in Asakusa which sold heaps of cool Totoro stuff is no longer there :( A little different this time, we took the subway. Beautiful wall in the subway station.

Side note: I think there's something wrong with blogger lately, the settings gone crazy each time I click on the edit html... took ages to write a simple post :(

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