Monday, November 8, 2010

Windsor Castle

Alright..the trip is coming to 6 months old and I still haven't finish blogging. LOL but not long now, not long :)

According to the Royal Collection website, Windsor Castle, the largest and oldest occupied castle in the world, is one of the official residences of Her Majesty The Queen. The Castle's dramatic site encapsulates 900 years of British history. It covers an area of 26 acres and contains, as well as a royal palace, a magnificent chapel and the homes and workplaces of a large number of people.

And no, we did not see any of the Royal family members. The castle itself is pretty good though, it also reminded me of those story books I used to read during primary school.


Photography is not permitted in the exhibit rooms... so only pictures of the outdoor.

Unfortunately, we missed the note on the admission ticket informing that St George Chapel would be closed early due to scheduled event... it was already closed when we wanted to enter :(

On the slightly positive side, the ticket is valid for re-entry within a year as we had it stamped before we left. However, we don't quite anticipate another travel to London in 12 months time. :(
The only consolation is - its a chapel (we have been to quite a fair bit of those) and one of the big attraction is the stained-glass (Sainte-Chapelle has one of the best stained-glass in the world)

Oh ya...and not forgetting a picture of the castle guard ;)

Another famous thing in Windsor - afternoon tea, nothing like scones spread with jam and cream to go with coffee/tea :)

Side note: Had dinner..but still hungry.. hmm.. what else is there to munch...


  1. Why I always think your pics are nicer? Hmmm, or the words make it more attractive.

  2. no lar.. yours is nicer.. confirmed
