Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Of 221b Baker Street, Borough Market and a random pic

On the mornings of Friday, 31st August, Saturday 8th, and Sunday, 30th
September, 1888, Women were murdered in or near Whitechapel, supposed by some
one residing in the immediate neighbourhood. Should you know of any person to
whom suspicion is attached, you are earnestly requested to communicate at once
with the nearest Police Station.

It is no secret that I love Sherlock Holmes detective stories. I was first introduced to the famous detective in primary school. Recalled that I was not impressed (I must be stupid or my English too poor to understand), anyway, like every good pig (though I'm a tapir) things deserved to be given second chance - like how Little Pgave chance to Burger King burgers and Korean food.

Anyway, at second read, I was hooked and started to hunt down the rest of the stories I can get hold of. Since then, I have read and reread the stories. :D

Anyway, introducing 221b Baker Street - the residence of the famous detective. To get to Baker Street, take the tube to Baker Street Station :P

A statue greeting us at the exit...

Very casual picture, just to show that we were in Baker Street

Reaching 221b Baker Street...

The visit to Borough Market was actually on another day.

Some of the things that can be found in the market.

And a random picture on Tower of London. I was sick like a dog at that time... :P

Side note: Back to work tomorrow...

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