Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Of 221b Baker Street, Borough Market and a random pic

On the mornings of Friday, 31st August, Saturday 8th, and Sunday, 30th
September, 1888, Women were murdered in or near Whitechapel, supposed by some
one residing in the immediate neighbourhood. Should you know of any person to
whom suspicion is attached, you are earnestly requested to communicate at once
with the nearest Police Station.

It is no secret that I love Sherlock Holmes detective stories. I was first introduced to the famous detective in primary school. Recalled that I was not impressed (I must be stupid or my English too poor to understand), anyway, like every good pig (though I'm a tapir) things deserved to be given second chance - like how Little Pgave chance to Burger King burgers and Korean food.

Anyway, at second read, I was hooked and started to hunt down the rest of the stories I can get hold of. Since then, I have read and reread the stories. :D

Anyway, introducing 221b Baker Street - the residence of the famous detective. To get to Baker Street, take the tube to Baker Street Station :P

A statue greeting us at the exit...

Very casual picture, just to show that we were in Baker Street

Reaching 221b Baker Street...

The visit to Borough Market was actually on another day.

Some of the things that can be found in the market.

And a random picture on Tower of London. I was sick like a dog at that time... :P

Side note: Back to work tomorrow...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Trademarks of London

London Bridge is make famous by the kiddy song. You know, the one that goes... "London Bridge is falling down.... "

However I believe most people recognise this bridge by picture better.

Welcome to London - the Tower Bridge. London Bridge doesn't have elaborate features. Don't know why I didnt take a picture just for show.

Anyway, here's another bridge - Millenium Bridge

And the Big Ben...

Seeing the landmarks makes watching Sherlock Holmes (the movie) even more fun :P

This is a new one - London Eye. I mean from different era... just shoving it in the same post cos its around the area :P

... and the aquarium right opposite the London Eye

Side note: Am suppose to be studying.. but .. hehehe.. grin.

Friday, October 15, 2010

To London via Eurostar

People in Paris were alright, only met one snobbish Parisian right before left Paris. Grin. Anyway, people were commenting on our weird route of itinerary, but we wanted to get to London from Paris via Eurostar.

Firstly, must post up this picture... LOL.. I wonder if my sis still remember as to why she asked me to take this picture.

We were on the way to Buckingham Palace to see the guards changing ceromony. We were running a little late but the ceremony that day was particularly long as it coincide with the state opening of Parliament in London. It was said that the Queen was there... didn't see her though.

After trying to sight some of the guards changing between people's head, we headed towards Hyde Park.

Not sure what is the castle though...
From there, we walked to Leicester and Trafalgar Square. We thought the tree looked interesting.

Across the road from Trafalgar Square...

I thought the buildings has some.. hmm.. rustic feel..
And if you realise, London has nice blue sky too eh? :)

Side note: Havent been studying for a couple of days.. *guilty* :(

Monday, October 11, 2010

Chateau de Versailles

Information from the official website -

The Château de Versailles, which has been on UNESCO’s World Heritage List
for 30 years, is one of the most beautiful achievements of 18th-century
French art. The site began as Louis XIII’s hunting lodge before his son
Louis XIV transformed and expanded it, moving the court and government of
France to Versailles in 1682. Each of the three French kings who lived there
until the French Revolution added improvements to make it more beautiful.
A little away from Paris, easily reached by train.

Once you reached the compound, you are first greeted by this...

It is a very, very, very big palace. Despite the scorching heat, flocks of tourists visit the famous palace.

Audio guide to this place is free with admission, in different languages.

the interior of the place

And some paintings and sculptors. There were also tour group visiting this palace, the tour guide were pretty good too :P

Like how all story books, palaces comes with huge garden. They even rent out those golf car for people to go around the garden.

Side note: One of my friends in Facebook updated - 不管昨天又多难过,今天我会好好过。

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Paris... of course - Tour Eiffel

The icon in Paris - Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower).

in the evening, before lights are up
You know, how it is always presented as the most romantic (if not the, one of the most) place on earth. Let's put it this way - imagine having a picnic with your loved one(s) with the famous tower right in front of you. Or, taking an elevator up the tower, having a quiet moment all the way up overlooking the city view. Pretty good feel, isn't it?

lights up!
Now, unless you are very rich, you could probably the only couple having the tower all by yourself (even that I'm not sure that is doable). Anyway, back to the tower. Quiet moment at the tower all to yourself is a big understatement. We will have to put in human factor. Picnic in the park with the tower - imagine every square is covered with humans doing the same with loads of people wanting to sell miniature version of the tower zigzag-ing around (they seem to sell umbrellas in Italy) Going up the elevator involves hours of queuing up. Up in the tower? Wait for your turn to take pictures :P
So there you go... the Eiffel Tower.

Here are the views taken from 1st level of the tower... sun was setting...

After sun set, from 2nd level...

It was a long wait, as the sun only sets after 9pm. Even then, the lights were not up till after 9.30pm (if I don't remember wrongly). At 10pm, a more glittery lights :)

Side note: Breakfast on the Bridge is on today but I think it is raining outside...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

More of Paris... the Louvre

After the very long visit to the Vatican City museum, we steered clear of art galleries and museums... but it's not possible to forgo visiting the Louvre when in Paris, isn't it?

So, off we went...

One can't miss the trademark triangles.

Unlike art galleries in Malaysia, there were heaps of people visiting this one.

Inside of the triangle...

There was a spiral staircase going up, there was also an elevated platform type thingy that acts as a lift, but it was manned by a staff.

This place is so so big and I think anybody who tries to see every single hall and every exhibit will be so saturated with art :P

There are some "star" exhibits that attracts more people...

Like this one...

Aphrodite, known as the Venus de Milo

and of course, this one...

This is probably the only painting protected by a piece of glass and behind some barrier (I said probably cos we didnt explore the whole building). Can't remember how many times I zoom to get that picture it is a rather small painting.

Glad Mona Lisa was not on loan elsewhere :P

Side note: Maybe I should sleep now...