Friday, October 15, 2010

To London via Eurostar

People in Paris were alright, only met one snobbish Parisian right before left Paris. Grin. Anyway, people were commenting on our weird route of itinerary, but we wanted to get to London from Paris via Eurostar.

Firstly, must post up this picture... LOL.. I wonder if my sis still remember as to why she asked me to take this picture.

We were on the way to Buckingham Palace to see the guards changing ceromony. We were running a little late but the ceremony that day was particularly long as it coincide with the state opening of Parliament in London. It was said that the Queen was there... didn't see her though.

After trying to sight some of the guards changing between people's head, we headed towards Hyde Park.

Not sure what is the castle though...
From there, we walked to Leicester and Trafalgar Square. We thought the tree looked interesting.

Across the road from Trafalgar Square...

I thought the buildings has some.. hmm.. rustic feel..
And if you realise, London has nice blue sky too eh? :)

Side note: Havent been studying for a couple of days.. *guilty* :(