Saturday, December 26, 2009

Mount Fuji from Inamuragasaki

It is said that travelling via shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka may sometimes gives a really good view of the Mount Fuji. Due to the short trip, hopping from Tokyo to Osaka is not feasible. We could, however pop over to Kamakura and hoping to catch a glimpse of the famous mountain from Inamuragasaki.

Leaving the Daibutsu temple, we headed towards the Hase station which is fairly near. From there, we hopped on the Enoden line train to Inamuragasaki. A short little walk brings us to a park which gives a beautiful view.

The faraway Mount Fuji :)

Lucky for us, the weather was fairly good that day despite forecast as rainy prior to that.

When I looked back at the pictures I took, this is what I noticed... strange :P

Do you see the similarity? LOL.. I think I must've aim at the same place and unconsciously took a snap when the sun has not set, when the sun is setting and when the sun has set.

We also saw some cute squirrels roaming around...

Here's how the bigger picture of the place... with the sun set, Mount Fuji and a village by the side of it.

Side note: Am hungry....