Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Lockup

After a good walk along the waters in Inamuragasaki, I was starving. Not to mention that we somehow forgot about lunch though we did snack a little along the way. However tour guide had already had a place in mind for dinner that day in Shibuya, so I was forbid to have a quick fix whenever we stumbled upon any restaurant along the way.

The restaurant that tour guide had in mind features this fella here at the entrance...

Tour guide brought me to a Haunted Prison themed restaurant in Shibuya - The Lockup

The shop is located at the lower ground of a building, as we walked in further to the restaurant, tour guide warned me that there may be "things" that would scare me. Umm... one of those "things" still scared me though ... because of the audio effect as well.

We did not make any reservation and as we approached the waiting area, our heart sank. There was quite a few people on the waiting list. However, it turned out that the wait was a really short one, maybe because there was only tour guide and I. We were both handcuffed together with the waitress and lead to our cell.

We were at cell #54
the cell door
Complimentary biscuit with cheese dip. We thought it was mayonaise initially
Entree: Chicken karaage! It was one of the nicest karaage I had
Entree #2: Croquettes. Yes... we were hungry :P
My stone grilled rice
tour guide's margarita pizza
After meal snack accompanying drinks :)
There's option of a few powder dips - chilli, garlic and some other (I can't remember). Or may it is to be pour into the chips and shake like Mamee. Tour guide asked for mayonaise and the waiter who served us was a little dumb-founded. We ended up requesting for garlic powder but he did brought along some mayonaise together with it :P

At the time when we thought of leaving, there was "commotion" in the lockup. The ghosts and monsters had escaped from their locked up and wander around scaring the patrons. The waitresses were going around with a pistol to shoot them down. One of the ghosts came to our cells trying to scare us but was scared by tour guide instead. LOL.

It was indeed a good theme restaurant to visit :) and the food are pretty good too.

Side note: Yay! It's still holidays tomorrow :D

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