Saturday, September 6, 2008

Someone says...

... one day I'll die of guilty conscience. And in a crude way, I believe her. Have you ever feel like being bog down guilty conscience, not because you have done something bad, but probably you told too much of a white lie.

I know I don't make sense, but when someone tells a lie, he/she may need to tell more lies to cover up the first lie. One after another. The thing about telling a lie is... you will have to remember what you told so that it is not found out. To prevent from being found out, one leads to another. Regardless if it is a white lie, or not.

The other is... doing the wrong thing. Have you ever feel the feeling of I-should-have... but it was all too late, cos once you think of "I should have..." means it is all too late, isn't it?

Side note: I should be studying, I should be studying, I should be studying, I should be studying :P


  1. ya.. i know what u mean... it feels even worst when u know what u should be doing but don't go and do.. *sigh...
