Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Moon Festival

I refer it as Mooncake Festival, but figure the proper one could've been Mid Autumn Festival as in chinese, it is call 中秋节. In Sydney, it is known as Moon Festival. One of the things that I might not have the opportunity to do is experience some different kind of festivals at a different country. Reason being it may have been too crowded or expensive to travel in such festivals or that the travelling time just doesn't coincide.

Given the fact that I am fortunate to work in another continent in the world, and me being me, the ever curious one, would love to see how it is like to celebrate a festival in another part of the world. I have not really consider celebrate Mooncake Festival after left home for studies and work, the memories I had were probably when I was small where I played with lanterns and we would have mooncakes and tea, sitting outside the house, chatting.

I was really looking forward to visit Cabramatta for the Moon Festival celebration, but lost my "battle" with Mother Nature. It rained last Saturday, the whole day, killing every single bit of my hope to travel to Cabramatta. Oh well, there's always next year... I suppose. Anyways, I went for a walk to Chinatown yesterday, needing to get a hair clip from Paddy's Market (hair has been in a mess, as usual) and there were lion dance in Market City and other places in Chinatown. So, lion dance is the thing for Moon Festival in Sydney :)

The rest, I figured is about the same... the mooncake, the lantern.

Walking in Market City itself, there was this lady and a costumed-bunny giving away lantern :)

Happy Moon Festival :)

Side note: Someone remarked that why am I want to see how Moon Festival is celebrated considering I've just came from an Asian Country... to me... it is just different. Maybe I'm weird... :)

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