Monday, September 15, 2008

'Nuff said

There's a point in your life when you get tired of fixing everything &
trying to make everyone happy. When you finally decide to quit, it's NOT giving
up. its realizing you dont need certain people and the bullshit they bring in to
your life.

~ Dr Izzie Stevens, Grey's Anatomy

Side note: *grumbles... I so hate the time difference, why on earth do you need to go gym every night...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Medina Harbourview, King Street Wharf

I'm starting all these in a wrong side. Anyways, this is my first accommodation in Sydney :)
It is a really good place to stay, even up till now, going to Darling Harbour gives me a certain feeling of going "home". :P

from balcony

note the hanging TV? Love that!

Of course, all these pictures are taken before I unpack...haha.. I won't want to clean up before taking pictures :P

Side note: I'm just procrastinating on studying... hence the 2 posts in a day :P Anyways, shall be good and start it off... wish today is Saturday though

Happy Moon Festival

I refer it as Mooncake Festival, but figure the proper one could've been Mid Autumn Festival as in chinese, it is call 中秋节. In Sydney, it is known as Moon Festival. One of the things that I might not have the opportunity to do is experience some different kind of festivals at a different country. Reason being it may have been too crowded or expensive to travel in such festivals or that the travelling time just doesn't coincide.

Given the fact that I am fortunate to work in another continent in the world, and me being me, the ever curious one, would love to see how it is like to celebrate a festival in another part of the world. I have not really consider celebrate Mooncake Festival after left home for studies and work, the memories I had were probably when I was small where I played with lanterns and we would have mooncakes and tea, sitting outside the house, chatting.

I was really looking forward to visit Cabramatta for the Moon Festival celebration, but lost my "battle" with Mother Nature. It rained last Saturday, the whole day, killing every single bit of my hope to travel to Cabramatta. Oh well, there's always next year... I suppose. Anyways, I went for a walk to Chinatown yesterday, needing to get a hair clip from Paddy's Market (hair has been in a mess, as usual) and there were lion dance in Market City and other places in Chinatown. So, lion dance is the thing for Moon Festival in Sydney :)

The rest, I figured is about the same... the mooncake, the lantern.

Walking in Market City itself, there was this lady and a costumed-bunny giving away lantern :)

Happy Moon Festival :)

Side note: Someone remarked that why am I want to see how Moon Festival is celebrated considering I've just came from an Asian Country... to me... it is just different. Maybe I'm weird... :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Someone says...

... one day I'll die of guilty conscience. And in a crude way, I believe her. Have you ever feel like being bog down guilty conscience, not because you have done something bad, but probably you told too much of a white lie.

I know I don't make sense, but when someone tells a lie, he/she may need to tell more lies to cover up the first lie. One after another. The thing about telling a lie is... you will have to remember what you told so that it is not found out. To prevent from being found out, one leads to another. Regardless if it is a white lie, or not.

The other is... doing the wrong thing. Have you ever feel the feeling of I-should-have... but it was all too late, cos once you think of "I should have..." means it is all too late, isn't it?

Side note: I should be studying, I should be studying, I should be studying, I should be studying :P and

Have been meaning to blog this up, on the 2/9/08 itself actually but laziness got the better of me. Feel like a slug lately.

Anyways, office google is defaulted to or rather will somehow detect your location and default it to respective country. Don't ask me how, I'm IT illiterate. However as my laptop was brought over from Malaysia, and Google has been the defaulted homepage since I got my lappie, the one defaulted is instead.

Interestingly, logo for Google is different on 2/9/08 for the 2 countries.

Google Malaysia

Google Australia
I have always thought its the same throughout the world...

Side note: I love google's logo whenever there is an occasion.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sigh of the Heart

Winter has passed, ending the same day as Malaysia's National Day. Today is officially the first day of Spring... and you just hate it already. Funny huh, people hates winter but ... suddenly vice versa, you just hate spring. Oh well... it just happen that today is a bad day. As Daniel Powter's Bad Day playing to your ear, it just hit the chord, right to the base of it.

And suddenly you'll realise that sh*tty things are easier to swallow when you have a friend with you. There isnt a need for consoling words but just someone sitting next to you, even not utter a word, it would have made your day. And you know the first person you thought of, must've weigh something in your life. You felt equally saddening when you know you are not in the position to call the person nor have him/her at your side when you most need them. Of course, it will passed, but at that very moment it would've lift you up.

Side note: I wish I know a bartender or something where I can go to, ask for a drink and say, "I had a bad day..."