Sunday, April 27, 2008

Phone Call

Penned this down 2 years back. Happen to locate it when I was housekeeping my files. Oh well, since I meant to blog it down then, but due to unknown reason why I did not, so there...

My sister went to Labuan for hols and it suddenly strike me that she might be able to get miniature liquor there. So I called her on the phone...

*Dial number*
Someone picked up the phone but not my sis. I put it as stranger

Stranger: Hello? Me busy now.

Me: Hello? Mmmm.. sorry
*Hung up* (Dont know why keep on have this image of a malay guy walking around in Puduraya, must be cos the background sound very noisy*

*Redial number and this time got my sis, talked to her on the liquor*
*Got new email prompt*

Verb sent email asking me why I call him.
Oh oh... hehe.. the stranger is Verb. :P
Subconsciously I ter-dial Verb's number and didnt realise. -__-"

Side note: My turn to feel like a slug...

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